Welcome to DuckyAtePaste!

Isn't my new design snazzy? This blog is for...well...just read it. I post lots of different things like videos, pictures, and other random things I come up with. Enjoy!

Mar 1, 2009

What do you want to see on DuckyAtePaste?

To the few people who read my blog and acknowledge the fact that they do, what would you like to see?

Post comments on this post on what you like to see on Ducky Ate Paste:

- Observational posts (Skeptica Claus, Billy Mays, Ducky's Guide to TV Commercial Statements)
- Comics
- Videos
- 'Fail's I notice
- Blank posts so you can comment spam
- Other


Anonymous said...

I like the videos the best, but I also understand they are probably more time-consuming. Maybe at least 1 a month with a good variety of other stuff in between.

I have had many blogs myself and I've noticed that on my blogs and even very popular blogs, the number of comments don't reflect the amount of people actually reading your posts. Thank you for providing this service for us! I laugh!

Rubber Ducky said...

You've never read FailBlog, have you? Haha.

I'll try to make another movie, but I've had no ideas so far.

Teacup Patio said...

Hey Ducky,
This is Teacup Patio
I see that you changed everything

hope to see more

Anonymous said...

I checked out failblog when you started it, but haven't since. What's the link?

Whatever you do, I would like to see more than one post a month!

...to answer your question.

Rubber Ducky said...

Not ForumFail (which, ironically, was a fail), the real Failblog (be aware, there are some gross things on that site, but there is a g-rated only feature).

You can find Failblog here:

Also, you will notice that each of the posts gets 200 comments within hours of being posted.