Sorry I haven't updated the last couple of days, I've been too wrapped up in my BIRTHDAY! w00t!

I got the Simpsons Game for a present, and I've been playing it for long periods of time. I'm on a level (or episode) were I have to defeat the Lard Lad Donut Boy. I have a PS2, and it is soo fun! It mixes my favorite four things: puzzles, beating up video game people, platforming, and the Simpsons. I even love the graphics, if you think that's weird. It's hecka funny, I've laughed several times at it. The only thing that sucks is the camera control, it points in the wrong direction during battle numerous times, causing you to do something dumb like walk off a cliff or fall during a Bartman glide. But I for serious recommend getting this game.
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