Welcome to DuckyAtePaste!

Isn't my new design snazzy? This blog is for...well...just read it. I post lots of different things like videos, pictures, and other random things I come up with. Enjoy!

Nov 29, 2007

Boring Post

I'm not dead. I was, but now I'm a zombie! A lame one, for I have a blog.

Yeah, I have a cool thing to add to my blog soon, but not now, as it is 4:50 in the morning (really).

Nov 21, 2007

Silly Sims

Hello! Welcome to Silly Sims! This is a showcase where I show off funny sims and pictures. We'll be looking at people I made, and a couple that my sis made (not Val!).

Here we see a man with a long nose. Don't worry, it gets sillier.

Here's an old man with abnormally large ears. I didn't spend too much time with him. His nickname is Dumbo.

Here is the bug-eyed teenager wearing a snazzy new t-shirt I made.

Here's 'Big Lip Guy.' This was created by my sister. She made him kiss a girl, and his lips engulfed her face. It was really funny.

Here's the man who put a whole new meaning to the term 'Butthead.' If you spread out your butt like that, you would reveal a tiny mouth and a large nose. And possibly some eyebrows, but no sign of eyes.

Here's another of my sister's creations. Yes, that is his nose. I made him 'Woohoo' with another sim, and the outcome was funny. In certain parts, his nose was sticking out of the covers.

And here's my personal favorite: Cheek Boy. He could aviate with those cheeks. He does have a face, but it is hard to see, you have to get the exact correct angle to see between the cheeks. If you had funny cheeks like this, you'd get into cheek stardom!


Do you have any Silly Sims? This could include odd sims like the ones above, or just silly pictures, glitches, and other things. Please share with the readers and email me a picture or download at duckyatepaste@gmail.com.

Nov 20, 2007

Makes Me Hungry

If you haven't heard the actual Maroon 5 song, go here: Clickedy here!
I created a new vid, the song is not as popular as it used to be, but I still think it's hecka funny. Watch this killer vid all the way to the end, dudes.

This was made in no way to insult Maroon 5, I really do love this song. I just think mine is funny. Do not tell me I don't have a life and that I hate Maroon 5. I don't hate Maroon 5, but I don't have a life, but that's not the point.

Nov 17, 2007

An Open Letter to my Reader(s)

Dear reader(s),

Hey dude(s)! I hope you all are enjoying me blog, it sure is fun to write. Unfortunately, I don't have much material to put on here. I currently have a couple of funny ideas, I just haven't finished them. It is way late at night right now, I'm very tired.

I started this as a daily blog, but I ran out of material. I am now trying the three-day approach, but I'm not sure if that will make it.

Today I spent the entire day playing the Sims 2. With all my video games, it's an on-again off-again relationship. Lots of revisited games are NoLimits, Roller Coaster Tycoon, and the Sims.

Man, I could ramble on about video games for hours. Like how cool Call of Duty 4 looks. *Homer Simpson drool* Oh crap, I have to stop the boring video game ramble.

I've been thinking of making a DuckyAtePaste game with Rubber Ducky, Bootman, and Weasel. Unfortunately I don't have any ideas whatsoever what to do.

It's ten minutes to midnight, hoh boy. I could make up some great Bootman lines right now.

Why the heck am I making so many frickin' paragraphs? There's no real reason too. Why do we even have paragraphs, I ask? Well, I guess to tell between each subject. Like, if I were to start talking about video games again, I should make a new paragraph. Speaking of video games, I wish I had a Wii. Oh, whoops.

I wish I had a Wii. Those things look wicked awesome. From what I hear on the ol' internet, PS3 sucks. Sucks through a straw. Hehe. I need to go to bed.

Well, I'm off to go postpone sleep by playing video games.

-Rubber Ducky

Nov 14, 2007

New Vid: "Interview with Rubber Ducky"

Yep, an interview with me!

Here you go, you earned. Well, not really. But still:

/\ The first part's timing screwed up during the editing process. Sorry 'bout that! Nothing too dramatic.


Nov 11, 2007

I'm 3 years old! (jk)

Sorry I haven't updated the last couple of days, I've been too wrapped up in my BIRTHDAY! w00t!

I got the Simpsons Game for a present, and I've been playing it for long periods of time. I'm on a level (or episode) were I have to defeat the Lard Lad Donut Boy. I have a PS2, and it is soo fun! It mixes my favorite four things: puzzles, beating up video game people, platforming, and the Simpsons. I even love the graphics, if you think that's weird. It's hecka funny, I've laughed several times at it. The only thing that sucks is the camera control, it points in the wrong direction during battle numerous times, causing you to do something dumb like walk off a cliff or fall during a Bartman glide. But I for serious recommend getting this game.


Nov 8, 2007

Forget this!

Forget my blog, I have a life*!

A note from Rubber Ducky

* I may or may not have a life.

Nov 7, 2007

New Vid - Weasel Related

Hey hey hey guys! How's it going? Ducky here. Here's a new vid, it isn't working currently but who knows. I don't have the video file (it's on T-Shirt's Computer, where I made it), so I can't try again.

Nov 6, 2007

Nobody Cares - New Vid

Hello there! Back with a New Vid! This is the first episode with an animated Weasel. And all three of the characters are in the same vid now! Woot woot! Anyways, it's not working in the blog editor, but it might work on the actual blog:

EDIT: Nope it is NOT WORKING! Maybe this is why Blogger is scheduled to be offline at 11. I'll try and re-upload then.

EDIT (AGAIN): Now it is working. What the craps?

Nov 5, 2007

Weasel's Revenge: I'm too lazy to animate it

Here's the audio file, you will need Window's Media Player to see it:

(If you cannot see the bar, you can download the mp3 here)

Nov 4, 2007

Warning Signs

Hello, Ducky here. Not like it would be anybody else or anything. I got pretty bored so I took some of these warning signs off of Google Search and modified them. Captions are on the bottom.

Here we see a car scene with a dog in a car. Yes, it points out that they they left their dog in the car, but it still seems kind of silly to see a warning sign with a dog alone in a car. Nevertheless came my version:

Here we see a regular 'No Swimming' sign, complete with Spanish translation. There's nothing wrong with it, mine is just hecka funny.

Yeah, I did this one last and spent the rest of the night laughing. Shut up, I don't laugh at stupid things. All the time.

A sign saying keep out, but the man only consists of a decapitated head and disembodied hand. Poor guy probably can't even take it down.

His hand is bigger than his face. He must have cancer too!

I personally think these signs are stupid, I think the driver is going to notice a 'speed bump' in a residential area. Well, mine is much funnier:

Hahaha! Slow children! Ahh.
Hope you enjoyed these! I sure enjoyed making them.

Nov 3, 2007

Leap Frog is edumacational! Pre-K to MA!

Sorry to be posting on the same day, I just didn't want to add this to my other post.

I played around with my old LeapPad and it told me to mix the words to make a new sentence. Just to be a dork, I did. Unfortunately for LeapFrog, it was educational in the wrong way.

A WORD OF WARNING: This video contains immature sexual references. For gentler audiences, I would REALLY not recommend not viewing.

The First DuckyAtePaste Web Comic Edition: Gladiator

I made my own web comic with Pivot, as saving each 'animation' (really just saving two frames of the same picture) as a gif, importing it to Paint and adding words. Here you go, the first DuckyAtePaste Web Comic!

My 'beta' design for Weasel is that he always has a spear through him. He never dies, but pretty much none of my stick figures die. I could have added blood, but I didn't want to.

Nov 2, 2007

Hey guys!

Another addition to my blog! I have come up with names for characters on my Blog. The stick figure with the boot on his head as seen in 'Informal Meeting' is named Bootman, I actually created him from my voice I did in the third grade. Long time no see. I, am just a regular stick figure. But if I get killed or seriously injured that' not me. I don't hurt myself unless it's funny and fitting. Oh yeah and if it's not dangerous. The girl I like, and for personal purposes I am calling Mallard. I probably won't mention her too much, but no I am not gay. I repeat, I am not gay. Surprise? I also created a character I named Weasel, because nobody really has empathy for him and he's an outcast. It's like a stick figure Charlie Brown. I'm not sure on the character design for Weasel, but I sure have a voice for him. Why the crap can't I post audio clips, Blogger? Anywho, back to blog business. I fooled around with my blog site today and added some new stuff, like the Die gif and the new welcome message. Well, I've got some stuff to do. That concerns eating donuts.

Nov 1, 2007


Hey, Rubber Ducky here. I don't know what I'm posting about. Ducky Ate Paste is proud to present a link to a friends blog (T-Shirt's Blog). I'm actually watching all the Halloween shows today, I spent all halloween doing homework! Anyways, I wish I did better posts on my blog LOL. Man, I'm a nerd.

- Rubber Ducky