Welcome to DuckyAtePaste!

Isn't my new design snazzy? This blog is for...well...just read it. I post lots of different things like videos, pictures, and other random things I come up with. Enjoy!

Dec 12, 2007

'Snappy Comebacks'

I put it in quotations because I'm totally being sarcastic.

Here are some comebacks I really did hear. From the same person. For real.

"Why are you hanging around me, if you hate and disagree with everything I say?"
"Well, I'll get out the sledge hammer-"
(I interrupted)"Yeah, so I can ward you away."
"You probably couldn't even lift it!"

(He was wearing a shirt that looked like a piece of paper was stuck to it saying 'Save the forest, no more homework!')
"You know how ironic that shirt is?"
"I'm going to staple your face!"
Wowee. Great.

I have to put a comeback I came up with. It's too funny.

So he was being a dishface and hanging around me and my friends. So we asked him:
"Hey, dude, who do you like?"
He was pausing, so I took the advantage of the timing and said:
Sometimes I really think he's gay.

Okay, this isn't from the same kid, but this is a really stupid comeback I heard.

We keep joking about this kid drinking soda, 'sodaholic.' He didn't really care, or at least we thought we didn't.
"Yeah, that's right. I drink soda. Hear me, third grader?"
Okay, first of all we're the exact same height. Second off my IQ is much higher than his. Trust me.

Christmas shopping time! If you haven't seen it already, check out my totally killer wishlist!

1 comment:

malijh said...

DUCKY!!!!!!! you are discusting. (this is malijh)