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Dec 14, 2007

I Am Legend Review

Hey guys, just got back from I Am Legend. It was frikkin scary at parts, I don't care if the critics were bashing it for crap CG. I was scared. Shut up I'm totally macho.

Spoiler pool ahead, just so you know.

I Am Legend has about the stupidest ending ever. I read the book's ending online and it was better. In the movie, Robert Neville finds out he is not the last man on earth. Ugh. Then he kills himself for no reason, when he could have easily just thrown the grenade and got in the bomb shelter thing. The dark seekers could apparently break through his roof and get into his house, but they couldn't break through some safety glass. It also explains that the virus doesn't like the cold, but that apparently has nothing to do with anything. First off, the dark seekers' body temperature was already like 106. Second off, when the Neville family is trying to get away, it is during Christmas, but the virus seems to spread just as quickly and still spreading airborne. Anyways, the first while of the movie was good. Character developments on Robert was very well acted by Will Smith. I found the first three fourths very interesting.

Yeah, my finger hurts now (I scraped it up horribly), so I'm gonna leave you be.

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