Welcome to DuckyAtePaste!

Isn't my new design snazzy? This blog is for...well...just read it. I post lots of different things like videos, pictures, and other random things I come up with. Enjoy!

Dec 1, 2007

Chummy Larks

Chummy larks (that's what you get if you play around with Lucky Charms) ..hehe.

Hello, Ducky here. Again.

Came with ready made numbers, I give you the five leprechauns, as opposed to the seven dwarfs (dwarves?).

(Sorry, bit blurry!)

  1. STALKER - Yeah, this guy will watch you while you sleep and smile. Don't be frightened, but he's watching you RIGHT NOW!
  2. HAIRY - Involved with a failed hair 'destoration' experiment, he is now hairy as ever. But trust me, he's all hair but there.
  3. DENTIST - I really have no idea what he's doing here. But he has completely perfect teeth and is pretending to hold a pancake of some sort.
  4. TERRORIST - He may not look like too much, but his eyebrows show he's evil. I would go buy a bomb shelter, just in case an atomic bomb gets into his hands.
  5. CREEPY - My favorite. He's pretty much a combined figure of the previous four. He'll watch you while you're sleeping, destroy a national monument, have you shave his hairy body and uh... clean your teeth?

Oh man, I'm scared of leprechauns now.

NOTE: Original post contained leprechauns being very naughty, but I have edited that out and replaced it with a very nice dentist leprechaun.

- Ducky

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