So in school they are making us do these stupid 'online preparation tests' that are really stupid and easy. I really haven't found any problems with it, until I took today's test. I really love the professionalism of these tests!
(Click on the photo to enlarge it, underlined for emphasis)
Apr 22, 2008
Number Sens - A Poorly Written Test
Posted by Rubber Ducky at 3:55 PM
2 comments/insults Labels: best posts, fail, g-rated, observational, photo
Apr 10, 2008
Spam Mail
Hey guys, let's take a look at my spam mail!
First up is an email from 'Corpus Schildt' to ME!!
It's subject is: 'otherthrows'
His message was:
Oh wow, miillion of people acrross the world have tested this!Hello,
Real men! Miillions of people acrross the world have already tested THIS and ARE making their girlfriendss feel brand new sexual senssations! YOU are the best in bed, aren't you ?
Devellop your sexual relationshhip and get even MORE pleasuree! Make your boyffriend a gift!
Make your boyffriend a gift, that will later be put up for adoption!
Up next is one from 'Mel Jenking' (maybe a variated form of 'Mail Junking?')
His subject was: 'Make $15,000 - $20,000 Monthly Even While the US Economy is heading into a....'
The uplifting message 'Mel Jenking' left me was this:
This is the only Home Business system that I have been able to approve and join myself after designing Home businessAnd it goes on for a while, and I was too lazy to read it. And don't close the window, there's even more!Ads for Hundreds of paying clients. This is Not MLMScheme it for Rea - Ithas many things to offer unlike the MLM l! Earn $15,000 - $20,000 A Month!
Oh hey, here's a new and fresh one! This time, it's from 'Rippelmeyer Lipinski'
The subject is: 'steepened'
The creative body is:
Real men! Millionss of people acrosss the world have already tested THIS and ARE making their girrlfriends feel brand new sexual sennsations! YOU are the best in bed, aren't you ?Oh wow! I've never seen that one before! And that's not all, on both messages there is a link to a blog (on blogspot). I am not going to post nor even visit the site. And at the end of each one, there are a bunch of random words strewn together to make a story! This is from the same email:
Girls! Develoop your sexual relattionship and get even MORE ppleasure! Make your boyfrriend a gift!
Stayed at the door with the dragoman, and together the room.Oh wow, what an inspiring story!
lewis serrocold went away, and inspector pneumonia, but
the crisis is past. What i've got a low black door, and
they passed into a solitary of men in politics we may feel
sure that what of the cavalry had already died away and
the mountains the rebels, but of this last fact i am not
positively and in the meantime her mother might keep the
at your belt, and to exult and sing over the knowledge.
from the thought that i was in, for i was thinking was mixed
before it was subjected to the action i retired from practice.
young men of my own profession see you, i who speak to you
have seen much of the cats on his blotting pad, said: 'don't
you what is coming. You understand, of course, the.
The last one I have today is from 'Tomarra Jacquay.'
With all my interest in politics, this subject pulled me right in: 'Barack Obama is Lying Hillary Clinton offshore millions videoclip!'
The simple message was entirely hyperlinked (I didn't visit it, and neither shall you)
Barack Obama is lying about his sexual dreams!Oh great, I'm glad I checked my email today!
Posted by Rubber Ducky at 8:58 PM
0 comments/insults Labels: best posts, observational, spam
Apr 3, 2008
People think they are so healthy because they eat vegetables. Hate to break it to ya, but:
On a unrelated note, I got an e-mail containing a link to a blog containing several cool slideshows, and I encourage you to check it out (note, I have not looked at all the content on the site, although what I saw was pretty cool).
Here's a cool slideshow about 3D chalk art:
Make Your Own Slideshow | More Slideshows
Posted by Rubber Ducky at 6:32 PM
1 comments/insults Labels: boring, g-rated
Apr 2, 2008
APRIL FOOLS!!! - New comic (At the library...)
Just so you know, yesterday's post, that was a TOTAL April Fool's joke. You didn't think I would actually close it after all this work, right?
Here's a new comic I created, and it's more of a Far Side than a Dilbert, since it doesn't have any characters in it.
Posted by Rubber Ducky at 8:04 PM
0 comments/insults Labels: comic, g-rated, observational, pwned
Apr 1, 2008
I am closing my blog!
I just thought that you would like to know that I am closing my blog. I cannot keep updating it, so I will never update it again. I will not delete it so you guys can still read it.
Say goodbye to my blog, sorry!
Posted by Rubber Ducky at 4:49 PM
0 comments/insults Labels: g-rated