Welcome to DuckyAtePaste!

Isn't my new design snazzy? This blog is for...well...just read it. I post lots of different things like videos, pictures, and other random things I come up with. Enjoy!

Mar 28, 2008

The Airplane

This is the result of being left alone in my basement two nights in a row. I took about 200 pictures with my camera of a simple piece of paper, about 30 seconds footage, for your enjoyment. I probably spent at least 2 hours just taking pictures, and I spent a full hour editing, and now you can enjoy the fruits of my labors!

Mar 27, 2008

"Create Your Own Constellation"

So I have this dumb thing at school where you read a bunch over the weekend and do a stupid assignment (if you have the reading done). Unfortunately, this is mandatory and you could flunk otherwise.

One of the assignments is 'Create Your Own Constellation.'

Here is mine:

Giant Space Log, a constellation found by Rubber Ducky.

FYI, I have made a new paper movie (about an airplane) and it usually takes about an hour to upload (stupid Blogger), so I'll post it tomorrow when I have the whole day.

Mar 25, 2008


So today I received a bag of carrots to eat, to encourage 'healthy living.'

But wait, that's not all!

Look at the ingredients:

Oh wow! The ingredients for carrots are carrots! Who would of thought?

Mar 24, 2008

Happy Easter everybody!

Hey guys! Just wishing you a great Easter! One day late!

Here's a picture of a "Willy Wonka Golden Creme Egg" I ate (I ate the egg, not the picture):

Oh my, you can see part of my room (not my awesome TV though)!

Darn good too!

And yes, that is some sort of liquid in the middle.

And yes, that is actually caramel.

Psst! Go to www.humor-blogs.com and rate my blog!

Mar 22, 2008

The Unsolvable

Something I made today, because my sister told me she thought my Mistake video was going to be creepy. So, I created this horror movie. It's my first attempt at something not comical (or just stupid), so don't be too harsh.

Also, for some reason I really like making movies about paper. If you have any ideas about paper (all suggestions will be considered), please comment on this message or email me at duckyatepaste@gmail.com

The Mistake - A new uplifting stop-motion video

Hey guys!

I wish I could say that I spend my holidays going out on dates with hot girls or saving the world from a radioactive monkey brain washing device, but sadly, I made this video.

If it isn't working, wait a while then try again. It's bound to work someday.

Also keep in mind I made it in about five minutes.

Mar 21, 2008

Hey guys!

If you still remember, I'm not dead. School work has increased even more, and I just got a tetanus shot a couple of days ago (healed quickly).

I really have nothing to say, other than I am not dead.