Welcome to DuckyAtePaste!

Isn't my new design snazzy? This blog is for...well...just read it. I post lots of different things like videos, pictures, and other random things I come up with. Enjoy!

Oct 29, 2007

A New 'Tattoo' - More Stick Figure (Informal Meeting)

I read the Sneeze, that's pretty much where I got the idea to start a blog. The blog was started because I have trouble maintaining a personal journal and I'm an internet junkie, so I mixed the two and created a blog. As a tribute to thesneeze.com I made myself a new 'tattoo' with red marker:

If you do not know what Lux is, click on the link to thesneeze above.

I might be going to Lagoon tomorrow. Depends on how early I get stuff done and if I feel good. Don't get me wrong, I love Lagoon. It is almost my life. I just don't enjoy a headache.

Also, I have a new stick figure video and it features voices (sorry, if my voice hurts your ears stop looking at my blog!):

Well, I've got productive things to do. Just kidding, I never do.

Signing off - Rubber Ducky.

Oct 28, 2007

Another Stick Figure Movie (Two Points)

Two Points

A tale of pleasure and despair that you will laugh all the way through. All the way through 6 seconds.

Oct 27, 2007

New Stick Figure Video - Scholastic is going mad!

A new little 10 second video I made, created with a nice freeware program called Pivot Stickfigure, I used version 2. It's about a stick figure running, no real reason.

Contains mild violence.

As apart from that, I found this thesaurus I got in the fifth grade, a 'pocket' thesaurus. I took a picture, with a paperclip and a five dollar bill for size reference:

Now, I don't know what Scholastic is smoking, but I'm pretty sure that won't fit in my pocket now, and for sure not my fifth grade self. It's a 64 page book, so you can't fold it in any way. Even rolled up it would stick up and out of my pocket. Seriously, my Webster's edition is smaller than this.

First post!

I have created a new blog - Ducky Ate Paste. I'm sure this blog will never be read, but in the event of this blog becoming a new craze of the internet, this is one of 'many' historic posts in Ducky Ate Paste. I am an anonymous person, and I call my self Ducky. By best friend is Ernie (just kidding. I don't want to tick off Bert). Sometimes I get a little crazy. And by that I mean like the Crazy Cat Lady from the Simpsons. Auu ai ohh aii cats ahha iaho ah. I hope this is a successful blog, but probably never will be. I will try to post from time to time, I'll do my best I promise.