Welcome to DuckyAtePaste!

Isn't my new design snazzy? This blog is for...well...just read it. I post lots of different things like videos, pictures, and other random things I come up with. Enjoy!

Nov 17, 2007

An Open Letter to my Reader(s)

Dear reader(s),

Hey dude(s)! I hope you all are enjoying me blog, it sure is fun to write. Unfortunately, I don't have much material to put on here. I currently have a couple of funny ideas, I just haven't finished them. It is way late at night right now, I'm very tired.

I started this as a daily blog, but I ran out of material. I am now trying the three-day approach, but I'm not sure if that will make it.

Today I spent the entire day playing the Sims 2. With all my video games, it's an on-again off-again relationship. Lots of revisited games are NoLimits, Roller Coaster Tycoon, and the Sims.

Man, I could ramble on about video games for hours. Like how cool Call of Duty 4 looks. *Homer Simpson drool* Oh crap, I have to stop the boring video game ramble.

I've been thinking of making a DuckyAtePaste game with Rubber Ducky, Bootman, and Weasel. Unfortunately I don't have any ideas whatsoever what to do.

It's ten minutes to midnight, hoh boy. I could make up some great Bootman lines right now.

Why the heck am I making so many frickin' paragraphs? There's no real reason too. Why do we even have paragraphs, I ask? Well, I guess to tell between each subject. Like, if I were to start talking about video games again, I should make a new paragraph. Speaking of video games, I wish I had a Wii. Oh, whoops.

I wish I had a Wii. Those things look wicked awesome. From what I hear on the ol' internet, PS3 sucks. Sucks through a straw. Hehe. I need to go to bed.

Well, I'm off to go postpone sleep by playing video games.

-Rubber Ducky

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