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Isn't my new design snazzy? This blog is for...well...just read it. I post lots of different things like videos, pictures, and other random things I come up with. Enjoy!

Nov 4, 2007

Warning Signs

Hello, Ducky here. Not like it would be anybody else or anything. I got pretty bored so I took some of these warning signs off of Google Search and modified them. Captions are on the bottom.

Here we see a car scene with a dog in a car. Yes, it points out that they they left their dog in the car, but it still seems kind of silly to see a warning sign with a dog alone in a car. Nevertheless came my version:

Here we see a regular 'No Swimming' sign, complete with Spanish translation. There's nothing wrong with it, mine is just hecka funny.

Yeah, I did this one last and spent the rest of the night laughing. Shut up, I don't laugh at stupid things. All the time.

A sign saying keep out, but the man only consists of a decapitated head and disembodied hand. Poor guy probably can't even take it down.

His hand is bigger than his face. He must have cancer too!

I personally think these signs are stupid, I think the driver is going to notice a 'speed bump' in a residential area. Well, mine is much funnier:

Hahaha! Slow children! Ahh.
Hope you enjoyed these! I sure enjoyed making them.

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