Welcome to DuckyAtePaste!

Isn't my new design snazzy? This blog is for...well...just read it. I post lots of different things like videos, pictures, and other random things I come up with. Enjoy!

Nov 2, 2007

Hey guys!

Another addition to my blog! I have come up with names for characters on my Blog. The stick figure with the boot on his head as seen in 'Informal Meeting' is named Bootman, I actually created him from my voice I did in the third grade. Long time no see. I, am just a regular stick figure. But if I get killed or seriously injured that' not me. I don't hurt myself unless it's funny and fitting. Oh yeah and if it's not dangerous. The girl I like, and for personal purposes I am calling Mallard. I probably won't mention her too much, but no I am not gay. I repeat, I am not gay. Surprise? I also created a character I named Weasel, because nobody really has empathy for him and he's an outcast. It's like a stick figure Charlie Brown. I'm not sure on the character design for Weasel, but I sure have a voice for him. Why the crap can't I post audio clips, Blogger? Anywho, back to blog business. I fooled around with my blog site today and added some new stuff, like the Die gif and the new welcome message. Well, I've got some stuff to do. That concerns eating donuts.

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