Welcome to DuckyAtePaste!

Isn't my new design snazzy? This blog is for...well...just read it. I post lots of different things like videos, pictures, and other random things I come up with. Enjoy!

Jan 29, 2008

The Naked Brothers Band *barfing*

I watch Nickelodeon (shuddup), and for the people who don't, please google them so you can share my hatred towards a so-called 'popular sensation' called the Naked Brothers Band. I know NOBODY who likes them. For serious. So, I went undercover and discovered some rare audio of what they actually sound like:

Sorry for the lack of posting for two weeks, my schoolwork increased, and I had about four major projects to do, but I finished up the last one and now it should be good for a while.

DISCLAIMER: I did not go undercover and find this audio. I was being a retard and recorded five different tracks in my room with my camera and put it together. They probably are a great band, but nobody cares because they are so retarded (namely Alex...and everybody else in the band).

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